Issue with computer network

Here you can find help for issues with our dormitory computer network.

If you need help configuring “Eduroam” WiFi, please see the according Info-Page.

The following are some hints to the most common reason for problems with the dormitory network. Those might help you solve the issue on your own. Please follow these hints carefully before filling in the support form. Thanks!

  1. Is the network cable damaged? You can borrow new network cables at the reception desk.
  2. If there are more than one network ports in your room, please try them all. Normally network ports are located in the immediate surroundings of your working desk.
    Julius-Raab-Heim “Auhoffeld” and “Turm” (south side of main building):
    If your room is equipped with its’ own wireless access point, you will find the network port at the down side of the AP. In some rooms there is an IP-Phone already connected to the network port. In this case you can find a network port at the backside of the phone. Please do not disconnect the IP-Phone from the network!
  3. Check both ends of the cable if they are connected properly.
  4. Always connect your router via its’ WAN port to our network. Never connect the one of the LAN ports to the network port in your room!
  5. If using WiFi: Check if your WiFi tranceiver is activated (Plane mode etc.).
  6. If there are more than one network interfaces on your device, make sure the one you use is activated.
  7. Always configure your device to obtain network settings automatically via DHCP.
  8. Please always consult the support pages of your device and/or operating system.